Apple News: What Can you do with an Apple Watch? | Apple Rumors to release first iphone watch in 2013

While rumors have been floating around the internet for the past few years discussing Apple’s supposed creation of a new type of smart watch, it seems that the latest reports indicate that the public may soon be seeing this rumor come to fruition. According to a recent report by the New York Times, Apple insiders have noted that the company is working with curved glass in a way to create a new type of wearable device that the public has yet to experience. Although we most likely will not hear about these plans officially from Apple for quite some time, here are some reasons why this exciting concept may soon replace your smartphone. (Also view discount iphone 4’s available with No Contract here.)  apple-iwatch


Simplifying Mobile Payments


While the mobile payment space has already heated up within the past few years with apps like Google Wallet allowing consumers the ability to be able to pay with their smartphones at any NFC terminal, a wearable watch may soon make this new technology a thing of the past. Imagine if instead of even having to pull your phone out of your pocket, you could simply have your credit card information stored securely on your wrist. Hold your watch up to the cashier and you’re out of the store within seconds.


A New Way to Monitor Health


With accessories like the Nike FuelBand already working alongside the iPhone as a way to track your activity levels, being able to wear an “iWatch” would bring the concept of monitoring health to a whole new level. This watch could monitor not only your daily activity level but your heart rate and temperature as well. Doctors and hospitals could utilize this technology as an easier way to help monitor the status of their patients. The possibilities in the health space are endless.


Changing Home Security


With devices already out allowing users to be able to lock and unlock their homes using only their smartphones, who knows what will happen to the home security world if Apple’s iWatch is released. Most likely there will be apps developed for it which means that instead of carrying your keys around, you may simply have to hold your wrist up to your house’s lock and enter a simple passcode to gain access to your home. Gone may be the days of fumbling with your phone or keys.


Texting & Calling on the Go


While hands free calling and texting is already available using your smartphone and a Bluetooth headset, Apple’s iWatch may completely eliminate the need for a smartphone when trying to get in contact with someone. Rumors are already swirling around the web that the iWatch may have advanced communication capabilities. This means that if you’re walking in an unfamiliar place, Siri could communicate through the phone to provide you with directions or allow you to take calls using the watch or reply to text messages using your voice.


Video Chatting Anywhere


Although things like FaceTime and Skype are readily available on the iPhone for video chatting no matter where you’re at, it’s often a painstaking process if you’re out in a public place. After all, no one wants to walk around with a cell phone in front of their face while trying to video chat with someone. Other sources are noting the iWatch may be the communication device of the future, with video chatting capabilities straight out of an old spy movie that may end up turning your smartphone obsolete.

KC is a veteran wireless industry professional and writer for the Beigephone Blog. This blog informs consumers about wireless news and popular cellphone trends. Learn about money saving tips that help you get the best value in wireless. Join the conversation and become a more informed and savvy wireless consumer. Explore the tremendous opportunity to lower the overall cost of your wireless service without sacrificing any of the service quality or popular smartphone features. If you have any questions, visit us online and open a live chat or send us an email.

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