Best time to buy a Smart Phone | metro PCS iphone 4

Looks like there is finally a breakthrough in the wireless industry with regard to smartphone service. Over the last 5 years, smartphones have become the standard device for cell phone service. You can coordiante your calendar, navigate a city while on vacation, manage your banking transactions and send high resolution pictures all from the palm of your hand. Only caveat for smart phone consumers, DATA DATA DATA. Cell phone company’s saw an opportunity to captilalize on the smart phone craze, and boy did they ever! They levied a mandatory “data plan” for all smart phones, which would assure the wireless industry heavyweight’s enormous profits over the length of a mandatory cell phone service contract.                                                            

But cell phone customers started wising up, I suppose back to back $400 cell phone bills will do that. They started looking at better value options  for smartphone service. Incredibly innovative companies like  pioneered the flash phone technology, which today is seen as the great equalizer in smart phone service. Through beigephone’s smart phone flash technology, smart phone consumers now have the option to partner popular devices like the Samsung Galaxy S Fascinate from Verizon  and the HTC Evo 3D from  Sprint with prepaid companies like metro PCS, Page Plus Cellular and others.(view byod options, Bring Your Own Device ) Say hello to the age of wireless enlightenment. So now, through beigephone, consumers get unlimited nationwide talk, unlimited text & unlimited data for their smart phone for $40 a month, without a service contract. This would allow even the most ardent data users to enjoy smartphone service without ever worrying about overage charges, ever worry about having their data speed throttled down or any of the bully tactics imposed on consumers by the large cell phone carriers.

In 2012 the single greatest shining example of the progress in the wireless industry was announced at You could now fully flash your Verizon iphone 4 or Sprint iphone 4 to metroPCS. Until beigephone unvailed the metroPCS iphone 4 with unlimited talk, unlimited text and unlimited 3g web, there was no such better option for iphone service  in the entire country. Wireless consumers can now enjoy the most popular handset in the world, the metroPCS iphone 4, at a $40 price point; a super value for smart phone service. You have excellent options for getting the metroPCS iphone 4. 1) You can just purchase a handset outright from beigephone:,  or 2) If you have a Sprint iphone 4 or Verizon iphone 4, you can have beigephone flash your iphone 4 to metroPCS. There are finally serious options for smartphone service in this country; beigephone has now guaranteed consumers that right now is the best time ever to buy a smart phone.

Buyer Understanding Determines if you Get Expenses Together – Join the Movement

KC is a veteran wireless industry professional and writer for the Beigephone Blog. This blog informs consumers about wireless news and popular cellphone trends. Learn about money saving tips that help you get the best value in wireless. Join the conversation and become a more informed and savvy wireless consumer. Explore the tremendous opportunity to lower the overall cost of your wireless service without sacrificing any of the service quality or popular smartphone features. If you have any questions, visit us online and open a live chat or send us an email.

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