3 proven money saving tips for college students (cell phones)

College is challenging enough without having to worry about paying an outrageous cell phone bill to boot. Here are three proven tips to cell phone bliss for the next 4 years.

1)Get a prepaid cell phone plan. Now wait, before you dismiss the idea because of the horrible stigma of pre-paid calling plans and the sucky cell phones they normally offer, hear me out. You can now flash and unlock popular cell phones to work with prepaid cell phone carriers. Case and point, beigephone.com can flash your HTC Thunderbolt to work with pageplus cellular and you only pay $29.95 a month for service or $45 for unlimited calls and texts. Another example is the At&t iphone 4 that can use h2o wireless’ network for service; unlimited talk, text and 250mb of data for $50 a month. And about the whole stigma of the dreaded pre-paid cell phone plan, just call it a Contract Free plan, the term is starting to catch hold, plus with the economy the way it is, what do you care as long as you get to use the phone you want?

2)Take complete advantage of wi-fi. The knock on many contract free calling plans is that they give you unlimited talk and text, but cap the data at ridiculously small amounts. No worries, you’re in college remember, think of a solution; hmmm, Oh yeah, there isn’t a building on campus that doesn’t have wi-fi and the majority of restaurants, malls and popular hang out spots, especially in a college town, all have wi-fi. Sure, you may have a harder time viewing the latest Keenan Cahill video as soon as it drops, but you’re paying a third of the phone bill your classmates are paying to use the same iphone 4. Plus, you can only (for the most part) use facetime through wi-fi anywayz, so you should have no complaints.

3)Stay away from long term cell phone contracts. Yes, I know, this sounds like point #1 with the whole contract free plans, but this point cannot be emphasized enough. The average person keeps their cell phone, if they like it, for about 12 to 14 months; that number decreases to 8 to 10 months for college students. Cell phone contracts are generally for two year terms. Luckily, if you’re stuck in a contract you can check out No Contract cell phones here. This will eliminate the urge to break your contract and risk adverse information being reported to a credit agency about you. Please be leery of those vendors on campus telling you that you need to establish credit for the future, blah blah. They’ve been feeding that same line for 30 years and it still stands true today that the best time to “establish” credit is when you can afford to pay down your credit purchases each month.

Take these tips into consideration and take control of your monthly wireless expenditures. Good luck


KC is a veteran wireless industry professional and writer for the Beigephone Blog. This blog informs consumers about wireless news and popular cellphone trends. Learn about money saving tips that help you get the best value in wireless. Join the conversation and become a more informed and savvy wireless consumer. Explore the tremendous opportunity to lower the overall cost of your wireless service without sacrificing any of the service quality or popular smartphone features. If you have any questions, visit us online and open a live chat or send us an email.

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